Weyside check-out list

Please ensure you have completed all of the following actions before leaving Weyside.  We require Weyside to be left in a clean and usable state for the next booking.  If the property has not been left clean we reserve the right to charge an additional £50 cleaning cost.

Group Name *
Fill out this field
Email *
Please enter a valid email address.
Name of contact
Fill out this field
Date of departure *
Fill out this field
Bunkroom *
Select an option
Main Leaders Room *
Select an option
Second Leaders Room *
Select an option
Girls Washroom *
Select an option
Adult Washroom *
Select an option
Hallway *
Select an option
Kitchen *
Select an option
Main Hall *
Select an option
Final Checks *
Select an option
Issue reporting
Please use this space to report any issues you may have had or any breakages we should be informed of.
Fill out this field
I confirm that all of these procedures have been actioned before our departure and accept we may be charge if not completed. *
You need to agree with the terms to proceed